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Hogar de Ancianos San Vicente de Paul de San Carlos

Hogar de Ancianos San Vicente de Paul de San Carlos


Hogar de Ancianos San Vicente de Paul de San Carlos is an elderly residential care home dedicated to the care and protection of the most vulnerable elderly – people at risk of social exclusion due to family abandonment, lack of resources, limited mobility or health issues that make them require constant attention. Hogar de Ancianos San Vicente de Paul receives public funding for the care of 47 of its elderly residents. However, aware of the acute shortage of public funded places in care homes across Costa Rica, Hogar San Vicente de Paul, pre COVID-19, annually raised sufficient funds to subsidise the care of an additional 28 vulnerable elderly. These additional places have been financed by private donations and through regular fundraising activities and events which are very well supported by the local community who are inspired by the work of the care home. During the pandemic, Hogar de Ancianos San Vicente de Paul has taken extreme measures to prevent infections and ensure the safety of residents and staff. It has carried out actions to promote healthy eating, increased the frequency of vital signs monitoring to 3 times a day, implemented strict hygiene habits for residents and staff and acquired personal protective equipment to strictly comply with the protocols issued by the Ministry of Health. Prioritising the safety of its residents and staff has come at a financial cost that the home has been unable to raise sufficient funds to cover.


For over 30 years, Hogar de Ancianos San Vicente de Paul has proactively and successfully secured the involvement and support of its local community, raising the funds needed to be self-sufficient and offer subsidised places to vulnerable elderly unable to afford the cost of a place at the home. However, their inability to host fundraising activities and events, due to the strict measures enforced in Costa Rica to control the spread of the virus, has drastically reduced their income in 2020. The donation from the Scheinberg Relief Fund will ensure that Hogar de Ancianos San Vicente de Paul de San Carlos can cover all of its expenses during 2020 and keep residents and staff safe and healthy.

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