Galgos 112 is dedicated to improving the protection and welfare of Spanish Greyhounds (galgos and podencos). Their work is focused in three areas: rescue, education and lobbying. Every year thousands of these gentle creatures are discarded and left to die. Galgos 112, rescues and rehomes abandoned and abused galgos and podencos, prioritising street dogs, handicapped dogs, pregnant females, elderly and infirm dogs. Galgos 112 rescues and rehomes on average 361 greyhounds a year and has rehomed over 5,000 dogs since being founded in 2008. They rely on their network of 88 foster homes across Spain to care for the rescued dogs until a permanent home is found. They place rescued dogs in kennels when no foster home is available.
In addition to Galgos 112’s work rescuing greyhounds, they dedicate considerable resource to education and awareness raising amongst the general public and legislators, as they believe this is key to bringing about behavioural change. With their expertise in animal welfare law, Galgos 112 works with and supports public administrations at all levels (local, regional, national and European politicians and civil servants) to enforce existing animal laws and regulations. This work is combined with their work lobbying the Spanish government to recognise animals as sentient beings and enforce new comprehensive laws protecting the rights of animals.
The Scheinberg Relief Fund has helped Galgos 112 by providing desperately needed financial support at a time when income dropped dramatically (cancelation of fundraising events and of monthly dues from regular supporters) and the number of greyhounds found abandoned or severely injured rose dramatically. Funding has been provided to cover Galgo 112’s overheads for 6 months, and the veterinary expenses, transport costs and private kennel costs associated with greyhounds rescued during the pandemic. The Fund has also provided additional funds to the charity to counteract its loss of income caused by the cancellation of all fundraising events to ensure they do not have to turn dogs away.