Established in 1838, Ellan Vannin Home is one of the Isle of Man’s oldest residential homes. It is a registered charity that seeks to provide a high standard of care, at the lowest possible cost, to vulnerable adults who have lost a degree of independence for a variety of reasons. It receives no government funding and relies on donations, fundraising and legacies to ensure its fees remain affordable to its residents and to facilitate improvements to the Home.
The Ellan Vannin Home was proactive and reacted promptly to the COVID-19 pandemic by purchasing PPE and putting in place procedures to protect staff and residents. The donation from the Scheinberg Relief Fund has covered the cost of the unbudgetted for medical equipment and supplies and additional staff needed to be able to ensure there was no reduction in service provision caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of their comprehensive response, no one associated with the Home has become infected with the virus.